Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yamaha e-Competition (Classical Piano)

The International e-Competition was founded in 2002 by Alexander Braginsky in collaboration with the Yamaha company. The competition has taken place every two years, in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. The "e" refers to the competition's focus on the Internet and Disklavier (electronic player-piano) technology.  The "Yamaha Disklavier" series of: Upright; Baby Grand; Grand; and Concert Grand pianos - provides for either, the mechanical (computer-driven) playback of piano music sequences, or manual (acoustic)  performances - as well as the "capture" of LIVE perfomances (in "real time"), for precise (nearly perfect) playback, without a living performer at the keyboard!

e-Competition-2009  Titles
54 Zipped files, e-SEQ music, live performances (Prize Winners) 4.4MB

e-Competition-2009 Titles
174 Zipped files, e-SEQ music, "LIVE" (All Performances) 11.7MB Titles

e-Competition-2009 Titles
174 Zipped files, MIDI music, "LIVE" (All Performances) 11.4MB

64 Zipped files, "LIVE" performances (Prize Winners: Audition/Recital/Gala)

57 Zipped files, "LIVE" performances (Prize Winners: Audition/Recital/Gala)

55 Zipped files, "LIVE" performances (Prize Winners: Audition/Recital/Gala)

32 Zipped files, "LIVE" performances (Prize Winners: Audition/Recital/Gala)

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